I never got into the whole journaling thing so I think this is where I will put my thoughts...

Friday, February 25, 2005


Hey guys, I'm writing this from beautiful Miami. Its nice and warm something like 23 degree and not a cloud in the sky. Well, there are actually lots of clouds but it's still a nice day. Tommorow is going to be rough as I have to work like 18 shift, like 8 hours at the airport and like 10 hours on the ship. Oh well, the price I pay for good weather. Anyways, it turns out that I might be able to get some internet access so I'll keep you all posted. I sorry to hear that there is a big storm coming to toronto, but I guess we Canadians are used to it by now.

If anyone wants some little trinkets from like Puerto Rico or like St. Thomas, let me know and if I can check it on time, I'll get you guys some stuff.

Blessings fom the beach!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


Well almost. As I sit and wait anxiously for Friday to come I can help but realize that I need to do so many things. Oh well, tis the price I pay for a nice vacation. Anyways, since it costs like $100 US to have internet access on the boat, I will be unable to blog for another week or so. I know you will all miss my weeklt posts that captivate your minds, but you are going to have to deal with it. Anyways I'll tell you about it when I get back.

Monday, February 21, 2005

For Queen and Country

Well, in case you haven't heard... (the suspence is killing you isn't it) I will be embarking on a journey this summer. A journey across the atlantic ocean to my ancestorial home of England. THis means I'm going to need to have some light pockets for the next couple months. Also I will be watching all the James Bond Movies to get a sense of the British Culture.

Just a heads up for you. This year I will again be writing a new installment of "Cooking with Jon". It will be filled with new installments of all those favorite recipies along with some humorous and comical stories about them. Yes I know you wait every year to read it, so get you cash ready as it will help me go on this trip.

In other fundraising news, for a small donation, I will also write anybody a song. It will be a funny song and will be recorded for you enjoyment.

I can't wait, but alas I will have to practice having fun on my cruise which I am going on this week!!!!

Friday, February 18, 2005

Tales Of the Lost Hemp

So as of the suggestion of my good friend and allie Beck I have decided to tell this very strange story. Anyways, a while back I purchased a hemp like necklace. It looks pretty cool and I'll need it on my cruise to look cool. Anyways, since I have a huge and muscular neck it was a little tight so I asked Beck to make it bigger with here extra stash of hemp at home. About a week later she told that she had finished it and would bring it in. Well... fast forward about a month. I saw her and was like, "so have you brought in the necklace?" She said," Oh, I forget it... It's sitting on my dresser and I'll bring it in tommorow. Well if we fast forward another month or so and again I inquired as to the location of the hemp... It was still sitting on her dresser. Well so today after she had promised to bring it in, and you guessed it... Still at her house. Well It's not really that big of a deal, or any deal at all. I just find it very amusing that in two months it has moved like 2 feet.

Anyways, this post will surley expidete the matter but you can do me a favor and if and when you see Beck, please gently remind her of the necklace. Thanks guys/girls

and thanks Beck for fixing the necklace for me.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Crazy Day with phones

So today I called Fedex today and had a nice chat, and it ends up that I do indeed get a refund for their screw up. In other news I called bell and tried to get some internet hooked up for Kate. Anyways they were transfering me to the business section... When all of a sudden I hear, "Hello welcome to FedEx, how may I help you."

Yes it's true some how I got transfered to my best friends...

How weird?

Sunday, February 13, 2005


So it is true, the Long family now has a X-Box!!! Yes I know what your all thinking, how can a poor guy like jon buy an x-box, well I didn't. It was given to my brother from one of his friends so it was free. So I've rented like some starwars game and it's really cool. My next purchase is X-box live!

I've joined the club!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2005


So today we got the new sound system up in the upper rooms in our new home. Jason and Jason (Schuler and Scuse) spent like a whole day setting up all the speakers and subs and amps etc. I pitched in as much as I could amd got the snake and cables in everywhere. It's goind to be so loud!!! We have 4 count them, 4 sub woofers!!!

So it will be fun having our sound system blow out the regular church, but it will be ok....

It's been fun though.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The Network Is Down!!!

Well, for the last two day's work has kinda of sucked. On Monday, I got the day off school and decided that I would accomplish two things at work. Firstly I would clear out all of my e-mails, and secondly, I would taste some new starbucks coffee that the cafe is now serving. Well both those things didn't happened. The network was down so I couldn't do my e-mails, or make any calls, nothing. Also the starbucks guys didn't show, so I couldn't get any coffee.

Today was also dull... The newtwork was still down and even the internet, so I could not do a thing. I then spent my day helping to remove the sound system from the Fire Hall, and move it to the upper rooms. It was fun, and I learned a lot of stuff about sound. Before I just knew how to operate the sound system, and now I know how to both set up and operate.

Ironicly, today in my e-commerce, we learned about networks, so it was kinda funny. Oh well, maybe tommorow will bring some new fun times.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Super Bowl Woes

Well, I am sad to say that the Philidelphia Eagles did indeed lose the Super Bowl yesterday. I was quite mad as they played an excellent game except for the massive amount of turnovers. Eagles should have won very easily, but they didn't. My only consolation is that they beat out the rest of the teams just to get to the superbowl.

There is always next year.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Another Boring Day At School

Well I am again sitting in the computer lab trying to kill 3 hours before my next class. I would normaly do my computer class work, but I have finished all of the work for the next 4 weeks. So I'm listening to some John Mayer on the good ole iPod, and writting in my blog, and it hits me. I should find something more constructive to do. I then think to myself... What can I do? Well it's simple. Since I have like a three hour break maybe I should start doing some research for SOL 4. It would be cool to write a huge thesis, and be all pro star, but it would also give me something to do.

I'm thinking of either doing my thesis on worship, or servanthood, or something like that. I mean, maybe I could talk about the blessings that come with being a servant and how it gives you life skills. Or I could write about what worship is to me and how it has and has not changed over the 3000 years or so ago.

I don;t know but I'll figure it out. Maybe I can write two have thesis'?

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Song Writing

So I know I was supposed to write a song a week, but it's really hard. I keep getting like half songs or cool chorus' or like cool guitar riffs but nothing goes together. I think I have like writers block. It kinda sucks to cause last week in cell everyone was praying for me to be a cool worship guy and all and I immediatly had some cool stuff come into my head, but silly me didn't write it down.... Doh...

Oh well.

I'm still writting though but of nothing that is post worthy. So keep praying.

On the plus side today we got garage band 2 for my Dad's mac and it has some cool other features so i can start to record stuff, and then you can all hear my songs aswell.