I never got into the whole journaling thing so I think this is where I will put my thoughts...

Thursday, October 27, 2005

I've been given a drubbing!

This is a sad post for me as I have to confess something... As most of you may or may not know my family (especially the men) are very competitive. We like to win, and if we can't win then we need to win bigger next time.

Well to make a very long story very short as I have been increasing in age I have been increasing in talent in the sports field. By the age of 12 I could beat my Dad in baseball, by 15 I could beat him in Tennis and by 18 I could beat him in golf.

I am now 20 and last week I played for the first time ever the game of squash. My Dad (who played on his school team) and I played and we had a tough game but it turned out that he won. It was tough to swallow but it was a close game. It wasn't until later that I found out my friends (who's status there as is questionable) Bethany and Noel had been praying against my victory... I was a little upset that my friends would do that to me but I guess our prank war is still on...

So anyways today I played again, thinking today would be different as I now grasp the full concept of the game. So I walk in and quickly my attitude changes as my Dad wins the first set 15-0. I started the second set right away trying ware the old man down, but it didn't work as he beat me 15-1. I then saw that he was quite tired so we started the third game and I started off well with a 3-0 lead, but it soon fell and the final score was 15-3 for my Dad.

So I pretty much got my butt kicked by my Dad. He has found the one sport that he still holds victory over me!!! Been the gracious son that I am I will give it to him for now but just wait as the victory post will soon come!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I have made it over the block

So for those of you who don't play music you might not under stand this post, but you should read it through as you may learn something.

For the past 8 months I have been at a point in my guitar playing that I couldn't really improve by myself. As you may or may not know, I am self taught. Late in the summer I started to get some electric guitar lessons with Sven. He showed me some really cool stuff and allowed me improve.

A few months later being now... I have recently figured out with some degree of understanding how notes in scales work. I have always known that In the key of G what noted I could play, but I never really understood it well enough to transpose in my head to different keys. Well friends I am happy to let you know that I have figured out this whole numbering system. It takes me a little bit to send it through my head but I get it now!!!!

This is really exciting for me as I have been trying for a while but it wasn't until recently that it sunk in.

I guess it takes time to learn and grow but I am glad that I now know how to do it. Who knows in a couple months time I will be able to play just by numbers!!!!

I know this post probably doesn't make sense to a bunch of you but hey, it makes sense to me and I like it!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Life in the office

So I am sitting here at 7:30 on Thursday night just finishing up some work, and who should come in.... Why Bethany and Stephy. For some reasons they are doing carpet angels on the floor... I am a little scared to ask why, but I guess monkey see monkey do. Andrew I am not really calling your Womanfriend a monkey, but I am a little confused...

Anyways there was no real reason to post, but I felt it needed to be done...

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Turkey Day

Welcome to the 6:00 news... (Insert cheesy music here)In today's news we have a special report from our senior field correspondent Jon Long... Yesterday was Canadian Thanksgiving and and a holiday....

Wow, that was kinda dumb eh... Oh well... As you may know it was indeed thanksgiving and my chef uncle brought something to my attention. We as Canadians are getting screwed! For instance, yesterday was Thanksgiving so we get the day off, while in the states it is like Memorial Day so they get the day off. In November the US gets their Thanksgiving and a day off. What do we get then? Squat!!!

How fair is that. Also Remember that day we like to call Victoria Day, ya the US calls it Martin Luther King Jr Day, and Canada day well it is called independence Day.

I just want to know why we as Canadians don't get as many days off. Not to be mean, but we sure work harder than most Americans. (If you are from the US ie. Bill, and your reading this people from Pittsburgh work harder than Canadians, but that is the only State.) I just want to know why. Do we not deserve it?

My idea is that on American Thanksgiving we all get together watch the Dallas Cowboys game and eat some Turkey. I think it is only fair, so if you want to join me, let me know and I'll hook it up....

Friday, October 07, 2005

Worst Shopping experience ever...

So over my lunch break, Andrew and I went off to this so called Levis Blowout sale in some convention center. We went expecting to leave with like 10 pairs of jeans and have a huge hole in our pockets. Well we go their and looked around at the different tables and found nothing. Every pair of jeans was ugly!!! Andrew made the comment that every pair jeans made people look fat and gay. I totally agree these jeans were terrible. Also they weren't cheap either. It was like $30 bucks for one pair of jeans. I can get better looking jeans at bluenotes or american eagle for that much...

It was a total bust, but at least I saved some money...

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Bursting My Bubble

So as you may have read in my previous post, I was very excited about this great meal that I had and was very excited about going their again. Well yesterday I was talking with Linda Cho who mentioned that she will never eat their again. I was stricken with shock as Linda had been one of the biggest advertisers of this place and now she will never go back... What is going wrong in this world? So I then asked her why and she gave me this whole schpeal about how bad eating that much meat is for you and how the food isn't really Korean it is just some Chinese knock off...

Needless to say this was a traumatic experience for me as I was ready to move next door to this restaurant so I could eat their every day... Well, all I have to say is that my bubble is now burst. I still want to go but it just doesn't seem to be that good anymore. I don't blame Linda at all because she was just stating her opinion and was in no way trying to push them on to me, but I just find it a little upsetting that one of my foody friends has been swayed by the healthy side...

Pray for me... Or better yet pray that I will find a new restaurant that will fill the gap that is left in my heart....