I never got into the whole journaling thing so I think this is where I will put my thoughts...

Monday, February 07, 2005

Super Bowl Woes

Well, I am sad to say that the Philidelphia Eagles did indeed lose the Super Bowl yesterday. I was quite mad as they played an excellent game except for the massive amount of turnovers. Eagles should have won very easily, but they didn't. My only consolation is that they beat out the rest of the teams just to get to the superbowl.

There is always next year.


Blogger Lee said...

See you call it 'foot'ball, and then you use your hands???
I just don't get it!!!!

My Superbowl experience sums up why your football will never be as great as real football...
I turned on the TV with less than 2 minutes on the clock, there was only 3 points in it so I figured I'd watch the end and see if there was any late drama.
It took about 15 minutes to actually watch the last minute and a bit! Come on, just get on with the freakin' game already!!!

But anyway, I think if the Eagles had brushed up on their bow hunting skills they would have walked away with the Lombard Trophy.
But that's just my 2 cents (pence) worth.

2:48 PM

Blogger *sPARKLY~sARAH* said...

LEE HOUGHTON!! If you don't stop with your Napoleon Dynimite quotes, you're going to live outside when we're married!

Oh and the Superbowl sucks! All that drama for one crap game. Boo-erns!

3:34 PM

Blogger Jon L said...

Hey, just cause your one of those foreign guys doesn't mean you can knock (american) football. I'll have you know that I am one of the few Canadians to actually know somthing about (english) football.

Ex. This year arsenal won't win because the freaking chelsea team is to freaking good!!!

Anyways, I'd pay money to see Lee have to live outside. Gosh...

4:21 PM

Blogger Lee said...

You're right about Arsenal, my team, Man Utd beat them this week, but even we are a long way off money bags Chelski.
Ok Jon, this will test your football knowledge, why did I call them Chelski instead of Chelsea??
If you get that question right then I will bow down to your football expertise and stop criticising the American version.
And living outside won't be so bad in England, we don't get winters like you do here.

11:12 AM

Blogger Jon L said...

Well, I'm not sure and I even tried an internet search but alas to no avail. Maybe it is because Chelsea has a lot of foreign players or something so they throw on a "ski" to make it sound foreign like?

2:34 PM


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