I never got into the whole journaling thing so I think this is where I will put my thoughts...

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Another Boring Day At School

Well I am again sitting in the computer lab trying to kill 3 hours before my next class. I would normaly do my computer class work, but I have finished all of the work for the next 4 weeks. So I'm listening to some John Mayer on the good ole iPod, and writting in my blog, and it hits me. I should find something more constructive to do. I then think to myself... What can I do? Well it's simple. Since I have like a three hour break maybe I should start doing some research for SOL 4. It would be cool to write a huge thesis, and be all pro star, but it would also give me something to do.

I'm thinking of either doing my thesis on worship, or servanthood, or something like that. I mean, maybe I could talk about the blessings that come with being a servant and how it gives you life skills. Or I could write about what worship is to me and how it has and has not changed over the 3000 years or so ago.

I don;t know but I'll figure it out. Maybe I can write two have thesis'?


Blogger Jon L said...

Sorry for the spelling mistake... two half not have thesis'.

1:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

DO it, just DO it. Maybe Jon Mayer will give you a genious idea. Like about something that's missing, and you don't know how to fix it. OR about fathers being good to their daughters, cause daughters will love like you do???? OR how God is bigger than our bodies.Yeah, he's inspirational. Good luck, shorty!

1:56 AM

Blogger Sgt Steve said...

yes, you have servant skills and life skills. theres like a butt load of thesis that want you for your skills

and good job about killing time in class by doing constructive things rather than destructive things like me. i do have really good pea shooter skills though...

4:14 PM

Blogger Andrew G said...

man, i hope steve's teachers get inner healing...

i think you should go for it Jon!

you rock buddy

12:46 AM

Blogger Andrew G said...

by the way, we're going to find you a nice English Lass when we're over there this summer, right Steve??

12:47 AM


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