I never got into the whole journaling thing so I think this is where I will put my thoughts...

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Homestarrunner Gear

So today, I bought some more homestarrunner gear, and I'm quite pleased. The only thing is that I'm not going to tell you what I bought. You'll just have to wait and see for yourself. Also, some people might be getting some christmas presents from the big HS, so keep it on the downlow....

Anyways other then that I am loving school. Not so much the learning part, but the fun part. Today we had HUMBER IDOL which was quite depressing actually. It was actually pretty funny. This one retarded guy went up to sing Bohemian Rapsidy... It was awesome. This guy is the white William Hung!!! No joke, he sings just as bad if not even more so and dances like 10 times worse. It was hilarious!!! I fell to the floor laughing. There was also a cowboy... Literally... A Guy came and was in the full cowboy getup( no Jamie Joustra wasn't there). This guy was actually a pretty good singer. He came fifth. The winner was a black chick that could sing like freakin Celin Dion!!! Ya she won like $300 bucks on the spot, and a chance to compete in against all other college winners.

So ya, that was cool. I would also like to welcome Sarah, Steve, and Mel to the Bloging world. Isn't it funny how everyone has one now... Its so cool. Big ups to Jeremy, Andrew, Pudd, and Kenny for starting the huge crazy...

Friday, September 24, 2004

Page Rank

So I'm talking with jpuddy, and he told me about this thing called page rank. To keep a long story short, it uses math to calculate how many people visit your site and other stuff like that. Anyways my page rank is 3 out of 10. Anyways I was looking a Pudds and he is a 4 out of 10. That is also the same as Homestarrunner. I think thats pretty cool. Anywho, this is a new way of seeing if your site is cool or not.

Mine isn't.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Put me in coach

So I'm at school kind of bored like and I remebered that it was my honor to lead worship in cell tonight. THe only problem is that I'm unsure of songs to sing. I could to "Worthy you are Worthy" but noone knows the words. I think I may due "You are my rock" by Capstone. Its a cool little dilly that is easy to play and sing and easy to build up. I'm still kind of stumped about another song though. Any suggestions?

In other news today I got the call up from the Jr. High guitar player to the Friday night guitar player. I'm quite excited. Its not often I get to play with a full band anymore. Usually its just me and some bongos or somethin. WHat that you say? WHy on earth Jon get the call up... Well I think it is because both Jason and Bill are at the encounter, and JP is in Indonesia. So that pretty much leaves me. I'll still have a blast. I just hope Gaz doesn't choose some really hardcore songs.

Pray for me....

Sunday, September 19, 2004

So weird?

So I'm kind of bored today, so I've gone back and read like 200 previous blogs and I've realized something quite funny. On most of the blogs that were written about camp, nobody really told anything about camp. People (myself included) were like "ya just read other peoples blogs and you'll find out what happen". Well we can't because no one really did blog ablout it....

I think we were all just tired and didn't want write a thesis or something. Oh well, I just thought it was weird...

Monday, September 13, 2004

School and Work Is Getting in the Way of Serious Fun!

So anyways it's monday afternoon and I'm sitting in my school computer lab trying to kill a couple hours before my next class. Anywho, I looked back on the last couple days and I am realizing that I missing out on some serious good times. Friday night was youth and I was all excited to go, when I realized that yes I had to work. Saturday night saw all of my friends go to Nathan's farewell party, but alas I had to work. Sunday night say yet another party for the soon to be missed Sarah Dailey, and yet again I had to work!!! Even today as I sit in school, I am missing out on the bookstore farewell party for both Nathan and Sarah. I seriously thinking of ditching some school and or hawking my shifts in the bookstore off on someone else. I missed a crap load of fun. My only consolation was that I did get to train a certain someone in the bookstore, so it was amuzing.

Another humerous thing happened on SUnday night though. I strole into work at about 5:30 (it was actaully like 10 min to 6, bubt don't tell Lyla), only to find hundreds and maybe even thousands of middle aged women to be swarming the church. At first I was like "oh crap, is it like releasers of life or something", or "Man, there must be some huge sports game that I'm missing, cause all the guys are at home". To my surprise there was a concert on. Yes the 1950's baptist musical stylings of Terry Macalmon was a foot, or a hand. All those middle aged women were flocking just to hear the really fake and terrible drum machine, and the over produced and over exagerated prayers that Terry brings. Its really bad(in my opinion) so I was quite happy to get out of there as fast as I could!!! Anyways, since he was here it ment that everyone and there uncle would like to buy like everything he has ever made, so of course I'm there to oblidge them. It was little ole me and Beck ( who just started on Friday) left standing to fight off the hords. It was crazy!!!! We sold like 1000 cd's and like 200 DVD's and tones more crap. At the end of the night I had to count like 100 twenty dollar bills. It was freaking scary.

So anyways that was the last few days of my life, and boy were they weird, and yet very enjoyable!

Friday, September 10, 2004

Your All So Getting Pranked

So its exactly 9.22 pm and I just finished the most embarrassing moment in my freakin life!!! So After a nice hard day's work I stroll into the Youth Network Meeting to get my SOL 3 grad deal. Anywho, the star calling names, and Thomas Hollema goes up and everyone was like "ladies he is single" or something like dat. So I'm next and a certain few or many of my friends were like...... "HE's NOT SINGLE!!!" As I turned redder then a sunburned Mexican in the middle of August, I could see Kate and Mel searching through all the rest of the diplomas looking for Beck's. Anyways they go on this whole schpeal about me being the new glorified gopher to the Big D, and then they call Beck's name. Duncan then says right into the micro phone while hugging her (restraint was used) was like "so Becks... Are you single? Everyone then just starts laughing or cheering or I don't know what the hell they were doing but man..... WE WERE SO EMBARRASED! We quickly got the heck out of their and went back to work.

The following people will be getting pranked... I won't tell you when, but you'll get it!!!!
  • Duncan
  • Kate
  • Mel
  • Jason S
  • Gillian S
  • Bill F
  • Andrew
  • Sarah N
  • Sarah C
  • Lee

You guys watch yourselves now cause its 2 on everyone!!!!

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

My First Day

So today I started mt new job with the big D and it was so fun. At first it was all about me getting myself set up with computers and other such things but I soon got to work. My first official act was to book a hair cut for Duncan, and to let you all know... It was a success! I also got to go over his schedual and figure out exactly what he needs. Anyways I'm so freakin excited! And I can't wait to really get into it.

Monday, September 06, 2004

19 and Loving It!

So as you all know I am now 19, and what does that mean you ask? Well it means that I can legally drink in the great province of Ontario. So anyways I get back from camp and the first thing I do is suggest that we go out for "dinner" and by that I mean some place where alcohol is served. So anyways Gaz, Cho, Livingston, Joy, Fulgraph, Ben, Beck and myself went to JJ mugs. We all had some beverages and had a great time regaling each other with stories of camp. So yah with Dru's suggestion I had a Heiniken, and found it quite good. I also had a small taste of Guinness, a banana monkey, and Mike's Hard Cranberry.

The next day for lunch Mel, Ben, Beck and Myself went out to lunch and movie and again I partook. I tried a green apple smirnoff ice, and had small tastes of raspberry smirnoff ice and a regular smirnoff ice.

Just to let you know, I'm not some alki lookin for his next drink, I'm just trying to find what I like.

Anyways give me a call some time and we can now go out for some drinks.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

I'm back!

So I just arrived back after having a wonderful week at camp. I'm sure everyone else will fill you in on the day to day goings, but I thought I would share some cool and funny stories.

First it is the dreaded sun burn of doom. Yes that's right, after spending a day at the beach and falling a sleep with my sunglasses on, I am sad to say that my face looked like it got run over by a racoon. There were indeed quite the burn marks. Every person at camp and I do mean everyone was like "hey Jon nice sun burn", or "hey Jlo, I like your face". My responce to this was a quick and painful "way to go sherlock", or "yes i know I got burnt" followed by a shake of the head. Anyway that was kinda cool.

The coolest thing happen was on Friday morning. I had the great oportunity to lead worship and yes its true, BJ was there!!!! After I was finished I felt quite happy about the ordeal. I had many compliments from many varied people, but the best was from Brian and Jenn Johnson themselves. They pulled me aside and gave me some real encouragement about worship stuff, and I quote "Hey Jon, I asked Brian what he thought the worship and he said that it was awesome. He also said that you sound like John Mayer"! THATS awesome. Later they prayed for us and it was great.

All in all camp was great!!!!!