I never got into the whole journaling thing so I think this is where I will put my thoughts...

Thursday, December 22, 2005

My Wish List

Well, in keeping with the whole gift idea blog's that have recently overwelmed the blogger world. Here is mine...

1)Gibson Les Paul Standard I love this guitar and want it... Please if you all pitch in it will only cost you like $100 each.

2)Taylor Acoustisc guitar- Come on Santa, do you thing man.

3)Plymouth Prowler- Hey guys it is on ebay so it is cheap!!!!

4)My own recording studio- One day it will all be mine!!!!

5) $100,000,000,000,000- it isn't much, so if the like Bill Gates is reading this, com'on man, you know I'll pay you back.

Saturday, December 17, 2005


So I am done school!!! After smoking through 6 exams (if you could call them exams, and I didn't really smoke, I just found them quite easy) I am finished. It comes just at the right time as I am sick of school, but alas it is over. What's next for me? I don't really know... I am trying to figure out what a smart, young and very attractive guy like myself can do. I know what your thinking, but no picking up hot chicks doesn't pay the bills. AS for a job, who knows what I will do, but one thing for sure is that I am going to focus on music. For christmas I am going to buy myseld some gear to start recording with. I will try to get some kind of a demo out soon so I can start rasing money for some actual studio time.

Other than that it is all up to God. I will fill you all in when I get some revalation from the big man up stairs. So anyways I AM DONE!!!!!!


Monday, December 12, 2005

One down, 5 to go

So I have finsished my first exam and I rocked it. It was very easy and it was even open book... I love it. Now I am studying for what will be the hardest exam I will have to do. Business Finance. The good thing is it is mainely on budgets, and it just so happens that TACF had recently gone through it, so I have a little personal experinence to help me out.

As I sit here and type trying to give my brain a rest from constant strain, I am looking out into the cold winter air. Man it's cold!!! I hate the cold. I know some people like to ski and build snowmen, and such, but to me it just means me gettting cold... Did I mention how much I hate the cold. I think I will move to a warm country some day. Does anyone know if they need worship leaders in St Maarten?

Anyways, so as of this thursday by 9:00am I will have finished my last exam and then I will be done all of my schooling!!!!!!!!!!

Then it is christmas and I just want to mention that I finished all of my shopping on Saturday. From the numerous secret santa's to my family and some friends, I got it all done, and did pretty good on the $$$. I got some great deals and didn;t get into debt over it!!!!

Peace out Napolean.

Thursday, December 08, 2005


Well, today was my last class of College!!! I have a few exams next week, but that's it!!! No more school for a while, unless God throws me a curve ball. I am quite pleased with myself, as I have stuck it out even though I wanted to quit. I'm done!!!!!!!!