I never got into the whole journaling thing so I think this is where I will put my thoughts...

Saturday, September 04, 2004

I'm back!

So I just arrived back after having a wonderful week at camp. I'm sure everyone else will fill you in on the day to day goings, but I thought I would share some cool and funny stories.

First it is the dreaded sun burn of doom. Yes that's right, after spending a day at the beach and falling a sleep with my sunglasses on, I am sad to say that my face looked like it got run over by a racoon. There were indeed quite the burn marks. Every person at camp and I do mean everyone was like "hey Jon nice sun burn", or "hey Jlo, I like your face". My responce to this was a quick and painful "way to go sherlock", or "yes i know I got burnt" followed by a shake of the head. Anyway that was kinda cool.

The coolest thing happen was on Friday morning. I had the great oportunity to lead worship and yes its true, BJ was there!!!! After I was finished I felt quite happy about the ordeal. I had many compliments from many varied people, but the best was from Brian and Jenn Johnson themselves. They pulled me aside and gave me some real encouragement about worship stuff, and I quote "Hey Jon, I asked Brian what he thought the worship and he said that it was awesome. He also said that you sound like John Mayer"! THATS awesome. Later they prayed for us and it was great.

All in all camp was great!!!!!


Blogger Andrew G said...

you are my hero, Jon Long.

and you're Mr. Suave too!

10:48 PM


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