19 and Loving It!
So as you all know I am now 19, and what does that mean you ask? Well it means that I can legally drink in the great province of Ontario. So anyways I get back from camp and the first thing I do is suggest that we go out for "dinner" and by that I mean some place where alcohol is served. So anyways Gaz, Cho, Livingston, Joy, Fulgraph, Ben, Beck and myself went to JJ mugs. We all had some beverages and had a great time regaling each other with stories of camp. So yah with Dru's suggestion I had a Heiniken, and found it quite good. I also had a small taste of Guinness, a banana monkey, and Mike's Hard Cranberry.
The next day for lunch Mel, Ben, Beck and Myself went out to lunch and movie and again I partook. I tried a green apple smirnoff ice, and had small tastes of raspberry smirnoff ice and a regular smirnoff ice.
Just to let you know, I'm not some alki lookin for his next drink, I'm just trying to find what I like.
Anyways give me a call some time and we can now go out for some drinks.
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