I never got into the whole journaling thing so I think this is where I will put my thoughts...

Sunday, September 19, 2004

So weird?

So I'm kind of bored today, so I've gone back and read like 200 previous blogs and I've realized something quite funny. On most of the blogs that were written about camp, nobody really told anything about camp. People (myself included) were like "ya just read other peoples blogs and you'll find out what happen". Well we can't because no one really did blog ablout it....

I think we were all just tired and didn't want write a thesis or something. Oh well, I just thought it was weird...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I KNOW! I still havn't heard anything about camp. Good. I don't want to know what I missed so let's keep it a mystery. I'm going to "Wedding" in a few weeks so I'll go stalk BJ for ya, k dawg? What if I just walk behind him and go,"Jon Long loves you" and walk away. Or if I write your name several times on his foggy windowshield? How's that for creepy?

2:37 AM

Blogger Jon L said...

Have fun at the wedding... Random photos will do... I don't want to spook their kid...

8:07 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Creepy photes coming right up!

12:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

there was a miscount

conspiricy prevailed

destiny will unfold the truth

reveal itself to the humble

in the open skys

on the day of judgment

say no to drugs stay in school

4:49 PM


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