I never got into the whole journaling thing so I think this is where I will put my thoughts...

Thursday, October 27, 2005

I've been given a drubbing!

This is a sad post for me as I have to confess something... As most of you may or may not know my family (especially the men) are very competitive. We like to win, and if we can't win then we need to win bigger next time.

Well to make a very long story very short as I have been increasing in age I have been increasing in talent in the sports field. By the age of 12 I could beat my Dad in baseball, by 15 I could beat him in Tennis and by 18 I could beat him in golf.

I am now 20 and last week I played for the first time ever the game of squash. My Dad (who played on his school team) and I played and we had a tough game but it turned out that he won. It was tough to swallow but it was a close game. It wasn't until later that I found out my friends (who's status there as is questionable) Bethany and Noel had been praying against my victory... I was a little upset that my friends would do that to me but I guess our prank war is still on...

So anyways today I played again, thinking today would be different as I now grasp the full concept of the game. So I walk in and quickly my attitude changes as my Dad wins the first set 15-0. I started the second set right away trying ware the old man down, but it didn't work as he beat me 15-1. I then saw that he was quite tired so we started the third game and I started off well with a 3-0 lead, but it soon fell and the final score was 15-3 for my Dad.

So I pretty much got my butt kicked by my Dad. He has found the one sport that he still holds victory over me!!! Been the gracious son that I am I will give it to him for now but just wait as the victory post will soon come!!!


Blogger beth said...

Noel, it's time for another intercession meeting...

AND Steve said he was the champion of his highschool. He rocked. He was the cool guy. Go Steve, go!


4:46 PM

Blogger Sgt Steve said...

haha great story!! I can relate with me getting better than my dad as I grew up to. But remember, some day YOUR son will kick your butt right out the door, lol.

1:21 PM

Blogger Andrew G said...


it's because there's no alliance... i'm praying that you kick Steve's butt

2:27 PM

Blogger Andrew G said...

in a Godly way

2:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Males rock.

1:27 AM

Blogger Linda Hope said...

Hey Beth,

when does yours and Noel's prayer meetings meet, and where? I would be really interested in some intercession myself...:) hehee!!

Just kidding...Go JBO, GO GO, Go JBo Go!! I always loved cheering for the underdog...


12:57 AM

Blogger Linda Hope said...

I'm just being a brat...ignore me, it's way past my bed time, and i go crazy when the moon comes out...

12:58 AM

Blogger The Ken said...

I could be wrong, but doesn't it count as witchcraft to be praying for someone to lose? Jon, I think you should challenge them with that and maybe they'll feel convicted and pray something nice for you next time.

Be careful how you word it, though, because manipulation is bound to be witchcraft, too.

6:44 PM


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