I never got into the whole journaling thing so I think this is where I will put my thoughts...

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Turkey Day

Welcome to the 6:00 news... (Insert cheesy music here)In today's news we have a special report from our senior field correspondent Jon Long... Yesterday was Canadian Thanksgiving and and a holiday....

Wow, that was kinda dumb eh... Oh well... As you may know it was indeed thanksgiving and my chef uncle brought something to my attention. We as Canadians are getting screwed! For instance, yesterday was Thanksgiving so we get the day off, while in the states it is like Memorial Day so they get the day off. In November the US gets their Thanksgiving and a day off. What do we get then? Squat!!!

How fair is that. Also Remember that day we like to call Victoria Day, ya the US calls it Martin Luther King Jr Day, and Canada day well it is called independence Day.

I just want to know why we as Canadians don't get as many days off. Not to be mean, but we sure work harder than most Americans. (If you are from the US ie. Bill, and your reading this people from Pittsburgh work harder than Canadians, but that is the only State.) I just want to know why. Do we not deserve it?

My idea is that on American Thanksgiving we all get together watch the Dallas Cowboys game and eat some Turkey. I think it is only fair, so if you want to join me, let me know and I'll hook it up....


Blogger Linda Hope said...

I COMPLETELY agree...i was content until i found out that Americans STILL get Canadian Thanksgiving day off...arg!

Well, on the brightside...i had fun commenting on your last 3 blogs, all in one sitting...hehe!!


12:55 AM

Blogger Andrew G said...

bill does not work harder than most Canadians...

9:26 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you see Jon-we're just so darn good at what we do that a) we like it, and b) we work fast enough that we can actually relax everyday-so we don't really need that many holidays.

As well, we practially took a well-deserved holiday while the Yanks were on their WMD wild goose chase (no, they were not looking for Laura in Iraq...).


2:49 AM


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