I never got into the whole journaling thing so I think this is where I will put my thoughts...

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Ok so my last post has seemed to get a few people a little peaved... When I meant that blogs were coming to an end I didn't mean all blogs, I was simply referencing the fact that the circle of friends that has previously and currently blogs, has slowed down. I will forever blog out of spite and coolness, and I agree with Pudd that myspace will die soon, but I think I should make another point.

Whay don't we all just hang out??? I mean we can write long posts about our days and have 100 friends on myspace, but isn't it better to talk to people face to face and see how there day was in person???

Now I think it is cool that I have friends in countries all over the world that I can keep in touch with, and that is cool, but for those in TO. Let talk, lets hang out, lets start a new trend where we actually talk to people...

Think about it...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

What up in the blog world

So as of late I have noticed a severe decline in blogging activity. People seem to post less, comment less, and the posts have been less involved. I attribute this to the fact that Blogging is on its way out. For the past couple years it has been fun and even cool to degree, however I think it will soon end. I myself have been sucked into the "Myspace" world. I still plan to ride this blog thing into the ground... It is my goal to keep blogging until the site closes down or I get bored. Which ever comes first...

Stay strong fellow bloggers of the world. Don't cave....

Peace out

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Dashboard Concert!!!

Just got back from the Dashboard / City in Color concert, and all I can say that it is a night of firsts.

1) 1st big concert ever
2) 1st time smelling weed and knowing it
3) 1st time take boot leg footage of a live event4) 1st time seeing a drunken brawl (right in front of me)
5) 1st time being hit on by a drunken girl on the street car
6) 1st time going the wrong way on the subway (ie I went east when I should have gone west)

So it was cool and I had great fun.

Peace Out