I never got into the whole journaling thing so I think this is where I will put my thoughts...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

What up in the blog world

So as of late I have noticed a severe decline in blogging activity. People seem to post less, comment less, and the posts have been less involved. I attribute this to the fact that Blogging is on its way out. For the past couple years it has been fun and even cool to degree, however I think it will soon end. I myself have been sucked into the "Myspace" world. I still plan to ride this blog thing into the ground... It is my goal to keep blogging until the site closes down or I get bored. Which ever comes first...

Stay strong fellow bloggers of the world. Don't cave....

Peace out


Blogger Sarah Gaz said...

I will blog until I die.

Plus MySpace is so OUT that it was OUT even before it was ever IN.
And what is with Facebook? I must of had 20 people in the past two weeks ask me if I had Facebook.
I'm going to create my own "MySpace" where I'm the only member and no one else can join, that way it will be a secret club that only cool people know about and by cool people I mean me...

6:17 PM

Blogger Sarah-Aubrey said...

BLOGSPOT 4 LIFE. MySpace has it's charm, but time and energy must be put into a decent blog post...

Keep strong, Jon. I'm with you.

9:20 AM

Blogger The Ken said...

Jon boy,

I for one have declined in the whole blogging thing. I think it's because I'm working from home on a computer and I don't feel like writing a whole lot. Another reason is because I've not done much that's very exciting. I totally agree with your meeting people in real life idea. The internet can be a sad excuse for mingling. I think the term "online community" is something of an oxymoron. I'd rather be riding blue mountain or climbing somewhere.

As for MySpace, man I hate it. I had a MySpace account but it wasn't very helpful to keep getting e-mails from half-naked girls saying "please add me". It seems people just want a large number of people in their friends list, you know? It's like "oh, he's only got 83 friends but I've got 147!" Well I had about 8 and they were all School of Ministry contacts but it was just too much hassle.

Anyway, this comment's turning into an epistle so I'll stop there.

7:06 AM


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