I never got into the whole journaling thing so I think this is where I will put my thoughts...

Monday, November 07, 2005

So this Sunday was a marathon of a day for the TACF Central crew... We arrived Sunday at 9:00am for set up at TACF Airport for worship that morning. We had a pretty decent set I thought. People were really worshiping so that is all that matters. I then had to go to the meet the pastors luncheon, and then I drove down to the YMCA for set up at 4:00. By the time that the night had concluded I was wiped! I got home and laid on the couch, and that was it. A long day, but a fun day none the less.

One of the crazy things is that during the second sond in the morning, I broke one of my guitar strings. The weird thing besides the fact that I never break strings, is that I broke the A string. FYI, no-one in the history of guitar has ever broken an A string. Well maybe my sources are flawed, but man is it a tough one to make. What is bad about breaking the A string is that for pretty much every chord shape that I know, I need to use the A string so I was pretty much done with that guitar. I then grabed Jordan's second electric and played it clean into the system. It didn't sound the best, but I was better than nothing.

Over all I had a great day, and I would do it again in a second!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I think it was pretty good there Jon. Although, I didn't really get to enjoy it because of
School of Champions....

7:12 PM

Blogger beth said...

James, do I smell a bitter root? Or is that just the smell of Jon's blog? heehee.
Yeah, it was sooo much fun worshipping and I felt like my heart was going to leap out of my rib cage and dance dance DANCE!

9:27 PM

Blogger Linda Hope said...

UGH!! YOU GUYS WERE AMAZING!! Keep up the "Letting-Holy-Spirit-gush-out-of-you" stuff/attitude...!!


1:23 PM

Blogger Sgt Steve said...

So if you break an A string that must mean that you are like a crazy man guitar player right?? like really really crazy right???

6:44 PM

Blogger Andrew G said...

he IS a crazy guitar player Steve... CRAAAAZY!!!

9:44 AM


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