I never got into the whole journaling thing so I think this is where I will put my thoughts...

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Back the day

Yesterday really brought me back to my childhood. It was great. Well just as some background info for you, and so I can brag a little. From the age of 5 to 18 I was a very good baseball player. I was one of the top players in Ontario, and even got an invite to play for a team that traveled the states to play. With that, every year i would have one day where I couldn't move. This would be a day around this time of year where we would start practicing in a school gym. After a practice my bones would be very very sore. I would have to miss a day of school usually because I couldn't get out of bed.

Well.... Today I feel like that. Last night my Dad and I played squash again, and yes he still beat me, but at least I won a set and at least the games were a lot closer. Well I am sitting here in class at an ungodly time in the morning and I am wishing that was in bed. Not because I am tired, but because I can't really stand up. MY BODY HURTS!!!!


Blogger Andrew G said...

beefcake not cheesecake, right Jon??

11:12 PM

Blogger dearbethany said...

EXCUSE ME! did i go DOWN on your list of friends. i seem to remember being number 12 or something...now I am FIFTEEN...


or maybe i was always fifteen

I am confused...please clearify

Bethany Critchley

7:43 PM

Blogger beth said...

seriously, we have our STAR baseball team for next year...you, jake, tina cho...cough...ahem...ME...

remember: "I can catch a football, I swear I'm good!" hahaha

we'll have a party for you when you finally SQUASH your dad at squash! Then you can put THAT into a sermon...haha...

7:59 PM

Blogger Sgt Steve said...

It could be worse, you could have missed a word in the title of your post about your defeat hence adding another reason to not get out of bed. I like bed. I like lamp. I like sleep. I like Jon. I like lawn Gnomes. I like Dariy Queen. I like blog.

8:19 PM


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