I never got into the whole journaling thing so I think this is where I will put my thoughts...

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Chain Blog

So after reading Gillian Schuler's blog I have been the victum of being "tagged". Apparently it is one of those chain mail type things, that you are supposed to pass on. Well do to consideration to my fellow friends I will post my responses but not force anyone to do it after. I will leave it up to you....

4 jobs I have held:

1. PA to Duncan Smith (TACF)
2. General Manager Pure Fire Ministries
3. Product Manager CTF Ministries
4 Worship Leader (I have indeed been paid to do this!!!

4 movies I can watch over and over:

1. Shawshankredemtion
2. Godfather part 2
3. God's Must Be Crazy
4. Bourne Identity

4 places I have lived:

1. Scarborough
2. Mississauga
3. That's it...
4. I really ment it...

4 TV shows I love to watch:

1. My Name is Earl
2. The Office
3. 24
4. Lost, Alias, Invasion, CSI, CSI Miami, Anything Food Network

4 ^places I have been on vacation:

1. Mexico (Ixtapa)
2. England (all over)
3. USA (Florida)
4. CRUISE!!!!!!

4 of my favourite dishes:

1. Fish Panang (Thai Royal Orchid)
2. Beef Patay (Thai Royal Orchid)
3. Anything my chef uncle makes
4. My Chili

4 websites I like to visit daily:

1. Every Blog on my list
2. Ebay
3. Email
4. Apple Store

4 places I would rather be right now:

1. On a Cruise
2. In Ixtapa
3. In England
4. My Bed Sleeping

So that is it... Hope everyone knows a little more about me now.


Blogger beth said...

Very cool. I never knew you went to Ixtapa. Oh, wait I think I did...I must be a good friend because I knew you had a chef uncle...
it's so fun to be old school...

6:44 AM

Blogger Sgt Steve said...

I happened to notice that your #4 under the favourite TV show's category had not one, but many DIFFERENT items. I'm confused...

5:49 PM

Blogger snoopy said...

je crois que la deuxieme partie est meilleur...

car il y avait des mountagnes

1:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude your uncle (the one in Ottawa) looks like your dad (or vise versa)

11:32 PM

Blogger Andrew G said...


didn't know it's one of your favourites man

11:37 PM


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