So I can't pick my arm up past my shoulder
So some of us went to Blue Mountain yesterday for a day of fun in the sun and the snow. The plan was to strap on the skies and snowboards and go nuts. Well, as you may have guess by the title... I kind of crashed. I don't know how, or why but crashed and in the process I wrecked my shoulder. It hurt, but not enough to keep me off those slopes. (Bonus tough guy points for me) So anyways after we were finished I realized that most movements of my arm would cause a stabbing pain in my shoulder... This was fun because I had to get my ski boots off with one hand!!! Anyways, long story short it hurt and it still does.
I went to the chiropractor and he said this;
"Well Jon, it looks like you have sprained your shoulder, severely aggravated your AC muscle." "I don't know how you didn't dis-located your shoulder, but you didn't!!"
Anyways so he put some electrical current through my shoulder and then used some kind of laser.... IT HURT!!!!
But I have more movement back in my arm now and it only hurts a little.
Lesson of the day... When Skiing, don't fall!!!
next time play checkers or something, ok?!!?!?
the last thing we need is you in a cast for the next 3 months...
BTW, i hate to say it but... you're hilarious when you're in pain
3:06 PM
oh man, how could i have missed that opportunity to laugh my ass off? next time tell me when you're going to go on the slopes....hahha.
i'm only joking. it will get better. don't miss me too much around tacf while i'm away. there's lots of boxes of tissues EVERYWHERE if you need to cry.
I want to read all the hilrious quotes I missed when I get back.
8:47 PM
8:47 PM
Nice... At least it wasn't as bad as my first skiing experience. I decided to check out the half pipe on my first day out. Long story short, i learned that doing a backflip is next to immpossible without at least four years of experience. Also, a twisted up back really hurts.
12:45 AM
At least you injured your shoulder in a wicked cool way! So do ya have it in a shoulder sling? Are you going to have to get surgery on it? Anyway, Sunny Bono...I'm glad you're alive.
10:08 PM
Hey Jon (flexing)
wicked awesome picture dude!! is that really what it looked like?? heheh. Lucky Day...oh and sorry for repeatidly forgeting about your sore shoulder yesterday and like keep attaking you and stuff, my bad. and ya, Drew is right, you are halarious, glad you came out afterwards to bro, good times!!
5:40 PM
No worries with the whole abuse of my shoulder thing.
It is kind of cool now because there is a huge yellow like bruise there now.
It almost looks like there is nicatine stains on my shoulder.
Good times. I am feeling a little better now, but it is still hard to sleep.
Peace out guys
10:30 AM
Sorry about the shoulder dood, I pray healing from my computer chair (wooosh).....BTW don't forget the ROLEX! ;o)
6:25 PM
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