I never got into the whole journaling thing so I think this is where I will put my thoughts...

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Quote Book

So some of you may or may not be aware that I just started a quote book. What is a quote book you say? Well, it is simply a written record of silly things that people say when talking either during a sermon or just out of everyday chatter.

An example of a funny quote from a previous quote book, is as follows:

While in England a certain individual who shall remain nameless, for now we will just call her Mel J, no wait Melinda J. So anyways she mention in a sermon that, "When I was younger I went to a special school where I learned to weld wood."

So anyways my first entry...

1) Linda Cho- Last Sunday night at CENTRAL

"So there is that movie Perfect Storm, you know the one with the big wave. Ya well I haven't seen it but I heard the wave was pretty big"

Explanation: She used the wave as an example, but yet had no idea how big the wave was nor what context it happened in...

-quote paraphrased by Jon Long-


Blogger beth said...


Good idea, jon. You have some funny quotes of your own...let's not forget those...

12:17 PM

Blogger *sPARKLY~sARAH* said...

Ah good ol' quotes!
Keep them coming! I miss hearing the odd things people say while preaching!

3:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

welding wood: very impressive.

Come on I'm sure its possible somehow....

special wood perhaps

7:57 PM

Blogger Brendan Daniel Serez said...

welding wood? hmm... Now, i am a master welder and i'm pretty sure that that is next to impossible, but one must recognize that we are talking about mel. This combo is just crazy enough to work.

P.S. see if you can get your hands on some New Orleans quotes.

1:24 AM

Blogger Andrew G said...

let's be honest... Mel needs her own encyclopaedia with all her quotes

9:05 PM

Blogger Sgt Steve said...

stop picking on Mel! don't you remember she's from up north!

Jon you should start a Quote blog or something and we can all keep our ears open and add to it. Good thing us TACFer's don't take offence easily eh. We need to get dirt on Drew, but it will be hard as he is the master of everything umm, wordingly. Same goes for Jake M...

9:13 PM


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