FreshWind Countdowng
Well, there is like 2 weeks until Freshwind, and it is approaching very very quickly. I can't wait, and yet somtimes I would like a little more time just so I won't be as stressed out. Oh well, I'm young and can take it. Pretty soon we will be hearing the clammer of BJ's guitar and Jason Upton's keys and even the musical stylings of "the network". THe lights and stuff are gonna look cool, and Zeo is going to be fantastic. Anyways, pray for me and the rest of the team that Freshwind will be the best ever.
I to am looking forward to FW. I absolutly love watching people having life changing encounters with the Jesus. good things. Is Zeo gonna be upstairs with the 8 massive subs, or in the main deal?
11:14 AM
NO, we are going to bring the massive subs downstairs and have it there!
6:33 PM
I love subs. Meatball subs,BLT, even assorted if you gimme the right bread. Hook me up with a massive sub, please and thank you.
b dawg
6:25 PM
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