I never got into the whole journaling thing so I think this is where I will put my thoughts...

Monday, March 14, 2005

Cooking Skillz Increased!!!

Well ladies and gents, I will have to inform you all or (y'all for our southern friends) that I have indeed learned how to make...........Sushi!!! Yes I know, you all probably thought that Jon Long can cook anything he wants and it will taste pretty darn good. Well, It was true about most things, and now you can put sushi in to that category.

On Saturday night, Ben P had some people over and CAtherine and Bonnie taught us how to make sushi. I took that rice, put it on the green thingy, put some toppings on there, rolled it up (1st times a charm), and cut it up. Yes it's true I did indeed do it.

I also made sashimi (pardon my poor spelling) and I think that was my best creation. When forming the thumb sized balls of rice that were actualy in the shape of a thumb, I was given the compliment of "WOW", that's really good. Well, my only response to that was, "I watch Iron Chef".

So sushi was good, sashimi was better, now I can cook this for all my friends, or at least some of them. I think I will throw a dinner party and invite people over, and maybe raise up some cash so I can go to England.

Call me sometime and I'll come cook for you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

High five for sushi skills! What are the chances you could whip up some Thai asain cousine next week?

"3 spring rolls please!"

Heck yes we're going to party next week!

9:48 PM

Blogger Linda Hope said...


I LOVE SUSHI!! Hmmm...how bout rollin' some up for your favorite, coolest, nicest, fastest big/little sis sometime??


12:18 PM


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