Crazy Weekend
So this weekend was nuts. It starts off by us being at TACF at 8:00am to set up and play for the Father Loves You Conference. We then played three times that day and finally left at around 11:00pm. IT was crazy. We did pretty good though and had tons of fun... I have heard from several sources that we were the favored of the bands at the conference!!! Big ups to JESUS!!! ANyways on Sunday there was central and Linda did here sex from girls perspective talk and said some pretty crazy stuff...
"I wanna be one of those freaky grandmas that has sex well into her 80's" -Linda
There was some other ones but I forget. ANyways, today I took the day off!!! First one in a while and I did nothing... So now we have our final practice and then FW!!!!
Pray for me
haha did Linda actually say that?
heh too bad that would've been an interesting talk to hear (honestly)-good thing I'll be back in the loop in a few weeks.
Anyways yeah good to hear you guys are gettin' tight musically-FW should be da bomb like the kids say....
11:57 PM
holy smokes Jon, you need a vacation!! if you take me with you I'll gladly carry your bags! woo!
8:24 PM
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