I never got into the whole journaling thing so I think this is where I will put my thoughts...

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Flight FROM HELL... Or not

So we left our house at like 6:00 am England time and we get on the flight finally at like 12:00. Then 6 hours into the flight they said we are having some like engine malfunction and we are going to have to land in Halifax... We then waited on the tarmac in the plane for an hour, and then our pilot who had a great grasp of the English language... NOT... And said we need to disembark. We then waited in line for 15 dollar food vouchers and then waited in the aiport until our flight at 9:45 Halifax time. We are now waiting and will get back at around Midnight toronto time meaning that we have been up for 24 straight hours...

As you can figure we are very tired and stressed and can't wait to jump in our own beds.

Thanks for all your prayers and comments they kept me going....


Blogger Stephanie said...

Sorry you had such a horrible flight.
I have now discovered your blog. my deepest apologies for not finding it sooner!

12:41 PM

Blogger Linda Hope said...


Jon, can i just tell you again...SO GLAD YOU"RE BACK!!


2:23 PM

Blogger Beckers said...

JLo, your now in the wonderful land of mine!!! Or back in the Land of The Free that is...
I'm overjoyed that your back!!

I must say, though that experience must have sucked...in time it will be one of the fondest of memories!! Wish i got to live like the terminal guy...WILSON!!! oh wait, wrong movie...Krokoshia...yes, yes, krokoshia!!!

Need to hook up old friend...heard you backed out of some conference stuff... good on ya ol boy!!!

I must stop digging this hole of luaghter that is too long and say I can't wait to see you and hear the first hand stories!!

3:36 PM

Blogger Jon L said...

Glad to be back and away from airports. Oh well it is a story to laugh at, and I did have a great time in England. Thanks for all the fond wishes!!!!

8:47 AM

Blogger Andrew G said...

i'm trying to forget it all... it was just too traumatic!!!

and after all our efforts, we didn't even get a slurpee


8:09 AM

Blogger Pencil said...

Hey man, you guys are a bunch of wussies! You call THAT a traumatic experience?!? Check out my blog! I wrote about my FIRST EVER flying experience, and it was far worse than anything you mentioned. And I didn't even fill in all the details! I practically WAS living "The Terminal"


jk. You guys aren't wussies. Welcome back, too. Oh, and the "Land of the Free" usually refers to the USA, fyi. But welcome back to Canada, you hoser!

We should hang out and swap airport stories.

Peace, Ben

5:33 PM

Blogger Beckers said...

Pencil, are you trying to say that we are not also just as free as the usa peoples who are everywhere!!! Kuz i'd say we have a blessed land of the free!

Hey jon, what the heck, we get you back only to have you gone like asap...ah well, such is the summer life!! Have fun in the good ol canadian wilderness!

9:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you guys don't want to get me started on Canadian and American freedom. So I won't.

Glad you guys made it back in one piece.

Cheers from la Capitale "Nationale" (haha these Quebecois are something else...)


7:43 AM


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