I never got into the whole journaling thing so I think this is where I will put my thoughts...

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Wendy's is Good

So if you have ever been anywhere near the bookstore around conference time you know that the whole department goes and gets dinner at Wendy;s. This conference was no different... So we went and got our food and were given the task to get John Pedlar (A/V Guy) a burger. We got him a Jr. Cheeseburger. We them took it out of the wrapper, and filled it with French fries. We then re-wrapped the burger back up and brought it to John. We them explained to him that this is the new special deal they have. We must have been convincing as he totally believed us. It was quite humorous!!! We all laughed for like 10 minutes, and he still didn't suspect a thing. I can just see John going to the Wendy's counter and asking for the burger with the fries in it.


Blogger Andrew G said...

you're very very sneaky

10:30 AM

Blogger Sgt Steve said...

oh dang, thats going in the books as a classic. Dude, in Pittsburgh there is this sandwich place that actually does put fries in the deal, and its good. Bill probably knows the place. yum yum

2:01 PM


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