I never got into the whole journaling thing so I think this is where I will put my thoughts...

Monday, November 01, 2004


SO ya the Zeo party was really cool. I personally thought that no-one would turn up, but they did so it was a pleasant surprise. I think there was like 300 people? Anyways, it was so cool!!! J Puddy did indeed play the hits and got the crownd pumpin. JP and the Heavy Tigers (DRU, SASHA, TYLER) got everyones feet tappin with there funk stuff (SO GOOOD... WHere is the CD?). And Jim Toucci for President (PETE LAZAR, SEAN the small group leader(I think), and some random bass player(I don't know)) got people worshipin and pressin in with there loop and live worship stuff. IT was all really good I thought...

My job that night was to run security, set-up and clean up. All things got done and were actually quite easy to do. A big thank to all those security guys that helped me out. I need to give a big thank to Kenny, for finding a knife in a guys bag... Good job!!!

So ya it was cool, everything went pretty smoothly. My favorite part of the night was kicking people off the balcony. I went up a couple times and kicked some random kids off, and then some weird guys? But the coolest and best thing was when Jason was like "there is people on the balcony, go kick'em off". So I did, and to my surprise the beautiful, and wonderful Beck was up there with Beth C. The cool part was that I though Beck had left like 3 hours before that, so I was in total shock. The bonus was that we got to hang out for like another hour or so and had a great time.

So ya, the Zeo was cool and I can't wait for the next one. The only thing is that we need to get some better freakin lights. One didn't work at all... ANother one just sucked, and a third one wasn't even bright enough to light up a small bathroom, let alone a dance floor. OH WELL... LIVE AND LEARN


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to protect the kids! Were you searching people's bags, cause how the heck did Ken doll find the knife?

2:20 PM

Blogger Jon L said...

Ya, we searched all the bags. It was great. I only wish we would have found some weed so I could have kicked some butt.

9:08 AM

Blogger Sgt Steve said...

ya and maybe found some guns and hand gernades, whoo!

And beside the lights we need some Sub's that work to. Boo man the bass was weak. You got's to have bass when JPuddy is spinning, you got's to.

1:09 PM

Blogger *sPARKLY~sARAH* said...

Aww . . .FLIP! I have to comment. Today had been a very productive day. The End and have a Merry Christmas

5:04 PM


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