I never got into the whole journaling thing so I think this is where I will put my thoughts...

Thursday, October 14, 2004


Yes its true, I do indeed have a new and better effects kit! For those who don't know, it is for my electric guitar and it makes a crap load of sounds that acutally sound good. My other kit was a cheap one that I only used like 4 effects. This one has like 600 plus and I can see myself using like 50 - 100 on a regular basis.

I have to be carefull though, because if become dependant on my effects, then my skills won't be increasing. Other then that I think it will be really cool.

Pray for my skills to increase... And for my knowledge of the guitar to grow as well.


Blogger Lee said...

Jon the rockstar, oh yeah!

1:53 PM

Blogger Andrew G said...

good for u Jon; have lots of fun with it!!!

just don't become one of those annoying electric players who can make a million different sounds but can't play a 4 chord song.

(Ask Jay why we took his effects module away from him)

6:53 PM

Blogger Sgt Steve said...

haha...jay got his effects taken away...I wish I could play my guitar...dang. Good job Jon.

Hey check out my post called "I subdued a Man", I wrote about your Dad, it's jokes.

7:01 PM


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