Yes its true, I do indeed have a new and better effects kit! For those who don't know, it is for my electric guitar and it makes a crap load of sounds that acutally sound good. My other kit was a cheap one that I only used like 4 effects. This one has like 600 plus and I can see myself using like 50 - 100 on a regular basis.
I have to be carefull though, because if become dependant on my effects, then my skills won't be increasing. Other then that I think it will be really cool.
Pray for my skills to increase... And for my knowledge of the guitar to grow as well.
Jon the rockstar, oh yeah!
1:53 PM
good for u Jon; have lots of fun with it!!!
just don't become one of those annoying electric players who can make a million different sounds but can't play a 4 chord song.
(Ask Jay why we took his effects module away from him)
6:53 PM
haha...jay got his effects taken away...I wish I could play my guitar...dang. Good job Jon.
Hey check out my post called "I subdued a Man", I wrote about your Dad, it's jokes.
7:01 PM
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