I never got into the whole journaling thing so I think this is where I will put my thoughts...

Monday, October 25, 2004

Freedom To Worship

Ya so FRiday night I was given the privilledge of playing acoustic and I had a great time. Usually when I play I'm worried about not screwing up, but this night was different. I was there and everything just flowed. I didn't stress about sounding bad and stuff like that. I just let God be my hands and went with it. It was awesome! I think it was the best guitar that I ever played. Anyways, It was cool how GOd just gave me a new freedom to worship!!!


Blogger Sgt Steve said...

I'm sure that I've heard of that "Wise Man" before. Espically the last name. I remember other comments from him possibly from the pulpit that may have possibly gone something like "Today folks the announcments won't be to long...Well, I'm long". Not sure though.

6:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY for the Jesus flowing through JLO! I've always thought you were a great guitar player! Like when we'd lead JR High I felt more confident if you were playin. Hopefully the kids have gotten into that more, but it was fun times for me!

12:49 PM

Blogger Jon L said...

Its actually gotton worse. The JR Highs are like not even showing up... So instead of having 20 kids that don't care, there is now like 5-10 kids who don't care.

1:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

NO! That's so depressing. They should fins a popular kid to get all fired up on Sunday mornings and dance around up front, maybe it would send a signal to the other little boogers. "Hey, the popular kid is dancing, let's do it!" Like how Billy Madison told the kids it's cool to pee their pants and they all did it. Isn't that how kids are wired?

7:04 PM

Blogger Jon L said...

Maybe I should try peeing my pants on stage... Then the kids would show up cause they want to see me pee my pants?

9:46 AM

Blogger Sgt Steve said...

hahaha Billy Madison hahahaha " your not cool unless you pee in your pants!" hahaha and Chris Farley was the bus driver aaahhhaha and he was so ticked cause all the kids soiled themselves ahahahaaaha....

1:05 PM


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