I never got into the whole journaling thing so I think this is where I will put my thoughts...

Sunday, October 03, 2004


So, for those of you who are avid readers of my blog, you will have noticed that I was bragging somewhat about me going to a 3rd Day concert for free. Well.... I didn't go.... For Shame... It turns out that some day a couple weeks back I told Lyla that I would work in the bookstore. We'll This morning I stole in to find that my name is indeed on the schedule and that I do indeed have to work. CRAP!!!!!! Anyways, I would like to say sorry to Lee and Sarah who had graciously offered me and Beck a ride. They had to drive all the way back from Woodstock, just to find out that we couldn't go. So I think because of that I will have to take Sarah and Lee off of the hit list.

for those of you still on the hit list.... Be Warned... I never forget!!!!

Also, in their place, I have replaced them with Shaun Bradley and Kimiko something or other.

The two of them know what they did!!!!!



Blogger Sgt Steve said...

Am I on your hit list? Cause if I'm on yours than thats enough reason to put you on mine.

2:06 PM

Blogger beth said...

Yeah Steve, you're on mine (Beth) because you kicked my dog that time...you know damn well!!!

5:59 AM

Blogger Jon L said...

No Steve, you are not on my hit list.... YET...

No, I doubt you'll get on there, but Freaking Beth and Maija are numbers 1 and 2 on the list... Be warned.... I could snap at any moment...

8:17 AM

Blogger Lee said...

Ah, no more looking over my shoulder, I can sleep soundly again now, safe in the knowledge you aren't about to HIT me.
Yeh, not really, to be honest I'd forgotten about your hit list, but it's good to know I'm not on it anymore.
Anyways, the concert was awesome! Front row and all we had to do was 15 minutes work during the interval! Oh Yeah!
Sorry, didn't mean to rub it in. Well......maybe just a little, he he!

4:44 PM

Blogger Jon L said...

You Jerk!

8:46 PM


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