Its kinda strange... I've been going to this church for like ever, and seen everything that there is to be seen. Ever since I've started working with Duncan its as if there is a new refreshing. Everything seems cool again. Its not just the same old people falling over and shaking, but its people falling over and shaking and having God do stuff in there hearts. I've always known this, but recently its just sunk in.
I guess its a new thing that God has put on my heart. In other GOd related news... I've seen some crazy stuff at CTF. Roland Baker is a wild man! He calls the whole conference to the front of the stage and then like dives into the middle and starts praying for people like a chicken with his head cut off. People are going left....right... up...down!!! Its crazy. I saw one lady come cm's away from banging her head on the corner of a chair. Also in the forbiden zone (hospitality room), Duncan greeted a guy by shoot a machine gun(in the spirit) at him. He fell onto a chair which nearly knocked a whole table over. It was nuts. Duncan then goes on about eating his food, and just as the guy was going to get up.... He shoots an arrow at him. I don't think the guy knew what hit him, nor did hie ever eat his lunch...
Things that used to be old are now new and I am so refreshed!!!
Man, I miss everything cool! I would love to see Jesus knock people over when I pray for them! For that I'd have to go to Redding or something. Can you send me gas money so I can drive up there? I still have to give Slade his high top converse. They're taking up half my closet space! =)
3:37 PM
Your right, Roland is crazy. I saw it to. Insane! Ya, Duncan is a good man. I love it when he shoots me, good times. I feel so loved when he does that. Speaking of lunch...
12:48 PM
Sweet, Jlo. I want that too- a constant refreshing so that when God moves it's not just the same ol' thing. Us old school TACFers hafta stick together. *doing the secret handshake* hahhaaha...Joy from Bath says congrats on your new job, too.
6:54 PM
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