2B or not 2B, that is the question
Well, I'm aorry but my title has nothing to do with this post so tough. Anyways, so I'm feelin better now and I'm back to my former self. Thank you all for your warm and cheerful comments and all those get well cards that were sent out. Anyways, the topic of this post is busyness. Yes its true busyness. I've looked over my past week, and the next coming two weeks and I am realizing that I am going to be out each night. That means no breaks, no TV, no guitar (well some guitar) and no homecooked meals. I know this may sound enjoyable to some, but for me it sucks. I need my downtime and I come to enjoy it. In order to battle this busyness syndrome, I have decided to do as little as possible when I do find a spare 20 min here or 1/2 hour their. Oh its true, I think I try to not even blink. I will save up all my strength so I can push through this season of busyness and gift buying.
BTW, does anyone know any cool gift ideas that are like 10 bucks or less?
Is the gift for a guy or girl? How old? If it's for a girl say around 22 years old who lives in California and misses Aldo desperatly...I'd say go with a pair of dangly earings. If it's for a guy...depending on who it is you could get the same for him. Hope that helps!
12:36 PM
Go to China town where everything is cheap my friend. Or there's fruit roll ups, bubble wrap, duct tape, a spatula, or home-made cookies. Yummers.
9:10 PM
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