I never got into the whole journaling thing so I think this is where I will put my thoughts...

Monday, August 01, 2005

War of the Worlds...


So yesterday night Gaz and I went to see War of the Worlds. We had both heard from several sources that this was a great movie, and on the whole I would have to agree. I was on the edge of my seat for the whole movie, and when I got out I was literally shaking. My heart didn't stop thumping for like 3 hours after the movie. The whole movie was full of great acting by Tom Cruise and Dakota something, and the movie seemed very realistic.

My only quip with the movie was the ending... I am the movie was great and warranted a fabulous ending that made you want to see a sequel, but instead the movie came to an end in like 5 minutes. In the end the aliens who have walked all over everyone and have killed like 1 billion people, and in the end they were all killed by some kind of bacteria in the air... How dumb is that? I mean the movie could have gone on for at least another half hour and then had a more plausible ending...

If you have seen this movie let me know what you think about it...

I am so confused...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well John, the War of the Worlds was based on the book by H.G Wells, which when first read over the radio on Oct 31st, 1938 (Halloween eh?) caused a national panic in the US as thousands of families huddled around their radios were transfixed by the seemingly "real" happenings.

Kind of funny how people can be so easily suckered into believing something is actually happening when it comes from a seemingly "reliable" source.

But anyway, the reason the Aliens died was due to two reasons.

#1: They were breathing our air. Not a problem for us, as through the millions of casualties the human race has had over many centuries we have built up an immunity to the toxins in our air. The aliens however, took a likening unto the Native Americans when they first encountered smallpox. Their immune systems were pitifully weak.

#2: You'll notice that the aliens were sucking the blood out of their victims, dracula style. Well, in addition to using it to fertalize their disgusting yet beautiful plants that they sowed everywhere, they would have come in contact with it many times and become exposed to the bad bacteria and virus's in our blood.

Also, if you'll remember at the end where the hatch on the alien walker opens and a whole wave of reddish liquid poors out, that could easily have been human fluids that were being stored inside the walker.

So in the end, it wasn't our mightiest weapons that killed the aliens, it was the littlest of God's creatures that were their downfall.

All in all, I enjoyed the movie, very much worth the price of admission.

12:03 PM

Blogger Beckers said...

I didn't read Pauls comment...

But, if you have seen the first movie then you would have expected the cold to have killed them, it is so old time original. But, they could have played that up a bit more, and had some weird freaks figure it out before hand or something...thus there wouldn't have been the abrupt ending of sorts...wha?

Anywho...I liked but also must agree...by the way, I saw it with my mom...it was her choice movie...my mommy is so cool!!

4:47 PM


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